Labels:bulletin board | laptop | plant | poster | sky OCR: FROM THE SAME SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS Here RAIDER THAT DEER BRILLIANT BROUGHT AVENGER MINOS YOU 4X 16MB Windows Pentium. spee Approximately RAM.OT 133 195 orfaster or MHz or more 98 45MB CD better hard -ROM disk Larive space From to Immaturity Volume Mouse and Windows compatible sound card Alliens abduct man. COOL TOTALLY division of 2000 Simon Simon.8 Schuster Schuster nc Interactive All Rig hts order "SHOW ME TOOLS: Reserved. Published by Simon Schus ster, neec For THE thought anyone they'd UNDERWEAR! you with (what the have else with been all the foltowing these new?). help provided babe totally you the and 1230 10020 Interactive, Corporation. publishing Windows Avenue-of a divisionof ithe Microsoft is a registered operation entium a trademark Americas, iS Simon of New of Viacom, regis Schu ...